We found that the conservative than liberals sick more easily.

In almost every human society, people share a knee-jerk aversion to certain substances. Now, Paul bloom, nfl jerseys cheap a psychologist at Yale university and his colleagues found that a person's level of sense can predict his or her political orientation. One word: "we found that the conservative than liberals sick more easily."
Using a standard scale and the disgust sensitivity scale political orientation - is a standard tool of psychological measurement,


  in 1994 the development of more personal reactions, such as monkeys, gore and have sex with animals, nfl jerseys for sale  the researchers tested 181 adults in the country. They found a significant correlation between conservatism and intensity of feeling is sick. Correlations also Cornell undergraduates in 91, is the most powerful political issues testing involves the gay marriage and abortion. (the study, published in June in the cognitive and emotional.)
Early in our evolution, dislike can run to wards our away from things that were bad to eat. It developed divergent policies today. And bloom found hate a "terrible corrosive emotion", and wish we can abandon it in favor of rational, nfl jerseys free shipping  he felt it a risk to ignore it. "Our findings strengthen the importance of emotion in policy and ethics. Many of these problems by the gut."